How Much Is A Birthday Cake Pop At Starbucks?

Starbucks is a popular coffeehouse chain that originated in Seattle but now has locations worldwide. In recent years, they have expanded their menu to include a variety of foods.

One food item they offer is cake pops. People buy these for children’s birthdays or as favors at weddings.

How Much Is A Birthday Cake Pop At Starbucks
How Much Is A Birthday Cake Pop At Starbucks

How Much Is A Birthday Cake Pop At Starbucks?

The price of cake pops at Starbucks seems to vary by the time of day and location. For example, if you visit a Starbucks in the middle of the day and sit down to order a cake pop, you’ll be charged $2.00 for one cake pop.

However, if you’re visiting at night and must pick up a present for someone else’s birthday, the price will drop to only $1.50 each.

Cake pops are also much more expensive during weekdays than on weekends when they’re usually given out as gifts at weddings or other celebrations. Weekday prices typically range from $1.

How Big Should The Cake Pops Be?

Cake pops are roughly three inches long and an inch in diameter, making them a good size to be popped into your mouth in one bite.

The size makes them ideal for children’s birthdays or as favors at weddings because they’re small enough that people won’t feel bad eating one or two of them.

They’re also small enough to fit into a purse or pocket, making it easy to say you ate something healthier than cake if you accidentally eat these before dinner.

What Are Cake Pop Sticks Called?

Cake pops are stuck onto sticks using a mixture of melted candy, chocolate, caramel, and a few drops of oil.

These sticks are made from bamboo because they are stiffer than most other woods, making the cake pops more durable and easier to handle.

The sticks can be reused after the cake pop has been consumed and are usually donated to local schools for craft supplies.

Can You Buy Starbucks Cake Pops In Bulk?

You can buy cake pops in bulk at Starbucks. However, this is not recommended unless you want to donate the cake pops to a local charity or school fundraiser.

When sold in bulk, each cake pop costs $1.00 instead of $1.50, and you are only allowed to purchase ten at a time. If you do find yourself with an order of over ten cake pops,

they will be put into a box so customers won’t be able to see the number underneath each cake pop on the display tray.

Why Are Cake Pops So Expensive?

These cake pops cost a little more than other items from your typical store because you are paying for the experience of tasting a cup of coffee and some snacks.

The average American drinks around three cups of coffee daily and can easily eat five or six cake pops in that same amount of time.

How Does Starbucks Make Its Cake Pops?

These cake pops are made using a Swiss roll batter, similar to that used for making jelly rolls.

Jelly rolls refer to the kind of cake you make to go along with your morning coffee and can also be called “swiss rolls” in some places.

The cake pops are baked and rolled into the shape of a ball. They’re then covered in frosting and decorated before being popped into their packaging.

How Long Do Starbucks Cake Pops Last?

Cake pops have a shelf life of about two weeks but can also be frozen to be eaten later. Cake pops bought in bulk are much easier to freeze than those sold individually,

so it’s best to avoid buying cake pops from Starbucks in bulk unless you know you’ll need them later.


Starbucks cake pops are a great way to taste a little bit of coffee and snacks simultaneously. They’re also a good size for children’s birthdays or as wedding favors.

The cake pops are sold in bulk, but only ten can be purchased per transaction. Buying bulk cake pops are only recommended if you plan to donate them to your local school or church for fundraising purposes.

Cake pops have a shelf life of about two weeks when left out on a plate but can also be frozen for later consumption if desired.