Bahamian Johnny Cake Recipe: Best 7 Health Benefits

Bahamian johnny cake recipe is one of the most recognized and loved Caribbean dishes. It’s a popular dish in Jamaica, the Bahamas, Puerto Rico, and other islands. The traditional ingredients are flour or cornmeal, sugar, butter or oil, salt, and water.

The recipe varies depending on the island where it is made. Some prefer to use lard, while others use vegetable shortening. This was usually the main dish on the menu for enslaved people in the fields who were given one meal per day.

The enslaved people ate it with a hot cup of coffee or tea and sometimes a small piece of fruit to satisfy hunger. Some also like to add spices and fruits to the recipe. However, the most basic ingredients are all that it takes for this delicious cake.

How To Prepare Bahamian Johnny Cake Recipe?

Preparation Time: 30 mins

Cooking Time: 30 mins

Serving Size: 12 people


  • Mixing bowl,
  • wooden spoon,
  • large pot,
  • plate


  • 1 cup of flour (whole wheat or all-purpose)
  • 2 tsp of baking powder
  • 1 tsp of salt
  • 2/3 cup of butter or margarine
  • 1/4 cup of sugar
  • 1/4 cup brown sugar (optional, not necessary)
  • 1/2 cup of water
  • 1 large egg (for every 3 people)

Making Method:

Step 1: Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Sift flour, baking powder, and salt into a large mixing bowl.

Step 2: Whisk sugar, butter, and water together until the sugar is completely dissolved.

Step 3: Beat the egg. Add to the sugar mixture until completely mixed. Beat until soft, fluffy, and just combined.

Step 4: Pour batter into a greased 13 x 9-inch baking dish. Bake for 30 minutes or until a toothpick inserted into the middle comes clean.

Step 5: Serve hot with your favorite topping or dip (juice, syrup, butter, etc).

Nutrition Facts Of Bahamian Johnny Cake Recipe

Fat200 g
Carbohydrates150 g
Protein12 g
Sodium1500 mg

Best 7 Health Benefits Of Bahamian Johnny Cake Recipe

1. Improvement Of Bone:

Bahamian johnny cake recipe is a rich source of calcium and phosphorus, which are necessary for the healthy development of bones. It can also prevent osteoporosis, cellular degradation, and osteomalacia.

Bahamian Johnny Cake Recipe
Bahamian Johnny Cake Recipe

2. Treatment Of Kidney Stone:

This cake is high in citrate, which is useful for preventing the formation of kidney stones by increasing the volume of urine, removing uric acid from the body, and inhibiting calcium oxalate stone formation.

3. Promote Digestion:

Bahamian johnny cake recipe is a good source of fiber because it has the effective soluble fiber in the recipe. Fiber has a laxative effect by making your digestive tract regular and comfortable, ideal for Digestion.

4. Skin Care:

Milk is a rich source of protein, vitamin B3, B12, and choline, promoting healthy skin. It can also improve your complexion by reducing puffiness around your eyes and eliminating dark circles.

5. Anti-Aging Agents:

Coconut oil is one of the main ingredients in the recipe. It has anti-aging properties and can slow down the signs of aging.

6. Prevent Heart Disease:

Coconut oil is a great source of saturated fat, which has been proven to lower bad cholesterol (LDL) and increase good cholesterol (HDL). It also inhibits the formation of free radicals in the body, leading to heart disease.

7. Enhance Digestive Health:

Bahamian johnny cake recipe also contains fibers that help in Digestion, increase the production of digestive enzymes, and improve bowel regularity, which is ideal for people with poor Digestion.

Is Bahamian Johnny Cake Recipe Delicious?

Yes, it is. My mother used to make them for us all the time, and I have a lot of fond memories associated with those delicious treats. That’s why I decided to make some for my family today. I’m looking forward to seeing their reactions.

Is Bahamian Johnny Cake Recipe Easy To Make?

Bahamian johnny cake recipe is a very easy recipe to make. All you have to do is gather all the ingredients and start making the batter. Just follow the directions, and you’ll have a beautiful baked good.

Is Bahamian Johnny Cake Recipe Healthy?

You bet it is! Bahamian johnny cake recipe is a healthy and delicious dish that will make your family happy. Sugar and fat are not used in the recipe, and the main ingredients are healthy. It’s a great dish for kids, especially those who don’t like to eat vegetables.

Have Any Side Effects To Eat Bahamian Johnny Cake Recipe?

Bahamian johnny cake recipe is healthy and delicious with no proven side effects. If you want to make them even healthier, you can substitute butter for the oil. Also, don’t overheat coconut oil because it can cause damage to your health.

Is It Safe For Heart Patients?

This recipe is safe for heart patients because coconut oil can protect and prevent heart disease. However, you should consult your doctor if you suffer from heart disease before eating this.

Is It Safe For Cancer Patients?

The Bahamian johnny cake recipe is safe for cancer patients because it contains low sodium, which encourages healthy cell growth. Some studies suggest that the high concentrations of vitamin C and flavonoids in coconut oil can protect against cancer.

Is It Safe For Diabetics Patients?

Bahamian johnny cake recipe is safe for people with diabetes because it’s low in carbohydrates and contains a lot of fiber. The high amount of fat in the recipe can be processed by the body and turned into energy, aiding diabetes in controlling glucose levels.

Is It Good For Children?

Yes, Bahamian johnny cake is good for children because it’s a great source of healthy fat and contains no high levels of sodium or sugar. This cake is a good choice for children. It has a lot of fiber, healthy fats, and no junk food ingredients.

Is It Good For Pregnant Women?

Yes, this recipe is not just safe for pregnant women but also breastfeeding mothers. The sufficient amount of protein and fatty acids in the recipe will help maintain pregnant women’s daily calorie requirement.

Is It Good For Vegetarians?

Yes, Bahamian johnny cake is great for vegetarians because it does not contain animal products. Also, Bahamian johnny cake can be considered a high-fiber food, providing a substantial amount of fiber to the body.

Is It Good For Pregnancy?

It is safe to eat Bahamian johnny cake while you are pregnant because it has adequate calories and nutrients needed during that time. It’s best to consult with your doctor first, though, before eating this, just in case.

Is It Good For Older Adults?

Bahamian johnny cake can be an ideal dish for older adults because it’s low in calories and fat. The high amount of coconut oil it contains can improve your hair health, promote heart health and slow down the signs of aging.

How To Reduce Calories In Bahamian Johnny Cake Recipe?

If you want to reduce the calories in this recipe, you can replace vegetable oil with olive oil and butter with lower fat content. Also, don’t overheat coconut oil because it can cause damage to your health.

What Is The Best Meat To Serve With Bahamian Johnny Cake Recipe?

Overall, Bahamian johnny cake is a great snack that can be served with any meat. You can pair it with beef, chicken, or pork. Chicken is good with this dish because the meat will taste different from all the spices in the recipe.

Can Bahamian Johnny Cake Recipe Be Frozen?

Bahamian johnny cake is a great dish to make ahead. You can make it in advance and freeze it in an airtight container for up to two to three months. Thaw the batter in the refrigerator, then bake the cakes on a greased baking pan.

Don’t forget to decrease the baking time by a few minutes because frozen cakes take longer than normal ones to cook.

How To Make With More Delicious?

You can also make a Bahamian johnny cake recipe with more coconut and flavor. I mean, you can make it with more ingredients to taste. With more ingredients, it’s more delicious.

You can make it with more coconut or get a different brand of flour which would give the cake a better texture.


Bahamian johnny cake recipe made from scratch is a healthy and nutritious snack that is great for your family. Kids will love the new tropical flavor, and adults will enjoy the taste as well.

Whether you have guests coming over or if you are craving a sweet treat, this recipe will make everyone happy.